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Immigration Appeals Cases

Clare v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2018 FC 266
March 7, 2018 7:31:00 PM EST

Issue: Can the Federal Court allow a humanitarian & compassionate appeal where the applicant has a criminal record?

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Xuan v. Canada

(The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-3352-12 Jan. 3, 2013

Issue: What happens when immigration officers pay a surprise visit to an applicant’s home in a spousal sponsorship application?

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Kurukkal v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-309-08 July 3, 2009

Issue: Will the Court grant relief if an immigration officer refuses to reconsider his decision?

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Hussein v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court Trial Division, IMM-5151-98, December 20, 1999

Issue: What are the consequences if the Immigration Department telephones and interviews an applicant for landing without notifying her lawyer?

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What happened to 2 flight attendants from Pakistan who went missing in Canada