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Last Minute Stay of Removals Cases

Sivalingam v. Canada

(The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) Federal Court, IMM-6118-08 Oct. 25, 2010

Issue: Will the Court stay a deportation if the applicant has filed a second (PRRA) pre-removal risk assessment applicant and the enforcement officer has not properly addressed the applicant’s request for a deferral of removal.

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Zaneta Dunova v. Canada

(The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and The Minister of Public Safety) Federal Court, IMM-4050-09 Sept. 4, 2009

Issue: Will the Court stop a deportation even if the client can relocate to the European Union?

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Jose Alberto Villafuerte Ramirez v. Canada

(The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) Federal Court, IMM-3357-09 July 3, 2009

Issue: Will the Court stop a deportation if the applicant’s wife is about to give birth?

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Husnain Inam v. Canada

(The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-47-09 February 5, 2009

Issue: Can a stay of removal be obtained when the PRRA officer has not accepted new documents that the applicant has submitted?

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Mazhar Elahi v. Canada

(The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-5588-08 January 21, 2009

Issue: Can a deportation be stopped even if the PRRA appeal is rejected?

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Muhammad Akbar v. Canada

(The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-5587-08 December 31, 2008

Issue: Will the Federal Court stop a deportation even if the PRRA (pre-removal risk assessment) is refused?

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Sathiskumar Kamalakanthan v. Canada

(Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) Federal Court, IMM-456-08 January 30, 2008

Issue: Will the court stop a deportation when a refugee claimant is prevented from making a refugee claim?

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Satnam Kaur Kathpal v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) Federal Court, IMM-5233-07 December 20, 2007

Issue: Will the Court stop a deportation when a refugee claimant is pressured to withdraw her refugee claim?

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Ahmed v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-4981-06, October 31, 2006

Issue: Will the Federal Court order that a deportation be stopped if the applicants have shown establishment of a successful business?


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Raveendirarajah v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) Federal Court, IMM-2464-06, May 15, 2006

Issue: Will the Court agree to stop a deportation until a decision is made in an underlying appeal?

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Pararajasekaram v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court, IMM-10587-04, January 4, 2006

Issue: Will the Court agree to stop a deportation when removal is to the United States?

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Thangeswaralingam v. Canada

(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) Federal Court Trial Division, IMM-2421-02, June 10, 2002

Issue: Under what circumstances will a court stop a deportation?

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