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The Canadian Express Entry Program has only been around for a few years. In a nutshell, the program is designed to give the best applicants the opportunity to apply for permanent residence in Canada (an Invitation to Apply, or ITA). This involves a faster processing time (around six months) than the old program.

In short, all applicants are entered into a pool of applicants and selected on the basis of points. Points are awarded on the basis of many different factors, including work experience (both in Canada and abroad), education, language skills and provincial nomination via the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), to name a few. Points are assigned using a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). The maximum number of points is 1200. You can read more about Canadian Express Entry on our website.

Tips on How to Qualify for Canadian Express Entry

  1. Meet the Basic Qualification Criteria

    Before you can submit your name into...

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What is Canadian Permanent Residence Status?

Permanent residents (PRs) of Canada have been granted permanent residence status through the process of immigrating to Canada, however, they are not citizens of Canada. While they are citizens of other countries, they are still entitled to many of the same benefits as Canadian citizens, including, for example, the ability to work in Canada and health care coverage. People who travel to Canada temporarily, like students and foreign workers, are not permanent residents. As such, they aren’t entitled to the same benefits.


Canadian Permanent Residence Status offers many benefits. First, it gives you the right to live, work or study anywhere in Canada. As mentioned above, it also grants you access to the same social benefits as Canadian citizens, including health care coverage. It also means that you are protected under Canadian law. You can also apply for Canadian citizenship. Along with all of these...

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This blog post is designed to answer some questions you may have regarding Canada’s Express Entry Immigration Program, including what the program is, who is eligible, and how one may apply to the program.

What Is Canada’s Express Entry Immigration Program?

Canada’s Express Entry Immigration Program was introduced in 2015. The program is simple. It’s designed to select the best applicants and give them the opportunity to apply for permanent residence in Canada. This program also helps candidates get an approved job offer in Canada. This program was introduced to remedy a long-standing problem in which immigrants with professional or advanced degrees would arrive in Canada, but be unable to find employment worthy of their jobs skills.


In order to enter the pool, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements that pertain to the particular program that they are applying to. This would either be the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled...

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Here are some helpful tips if you are applying for a study permit in Canada.

Applying for a Study Permit in Canada: Do’s

Apply for a Permit

There are only a few cases where you don’t have to apply for a study permit in Canada. For example, if you are coming to Canada to take a course or an exchange program that lasts six months or less, you may not need to apply for a study permit. However, keep in mind that there are instances when you still do need a permit, even though your program is six months or less. This includes those who plan to work on campus or participate in a co-op or internship program.

Meet The Requirements (And Read Them Carefully)

To ensure that your application for a study permit gets accepted, it’s imperative that you meet the requirements as specified on the application. Make sure that you have read...

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